Eirini Apsychou
Searching the light inside vast space. Observing the journey of soul into the infinite depths of Existence.

She was born in Xanthi, Northern Greece, in 1994. She graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts and School of Visual and Applied Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in 2018. She currently lives and works in Porto, Portugal, since 2020.

‘’The creative process is a game between the apparent and the unmanifested, between what I perceive and what exists beyond the mind. The clarity with which the idea is approached, contributes to its development and manifestation, letting the flow without effort for possession or appropriation. Inspired action offers the result and step by step leads to actualization.’’
In her creative research she observes humans’ behavior in relation to themselves and to the
world. She is fascinated by the innate tendency of the individual regardless of time and space, culture and philosophy, to realize within one’s self the reason and role of Existence.
Through art she studies the space in between – where sky meets the earth, where light succeeds darkness, where the inner world expresses into the outer world – the field of reconciliation of matter and spirit.
Since 2020, she has been working on the theme “Celestial Bodies”, a collection of artworks which she created using colored pencils on paper.
In the year 2017 she met her Teacher, Naya Karnava. In her, she saw a person whose word is aligned with her actions. She was inspired by her teaching and was trained in her system. She recognized that yoga and art share common ground on the search of the inner teacher and conscious awareness of the Self.
Through the teaching of Yoga Science, she came to know the Sacred Art of Life. She realized man’s creative nature, who creates the reality which surrounds and contains him, with the mind as his tool. Beside her Teacher she acknowledged beauty on the path for the expansion of consciousness. She uses tools that she includes in her personal life as well as in her creative process. Thus, she has discovered, as she conveys, that “creator and creation are undivided”.

”Working with pencils is like measuring time. It is as if I manage to count the grains of sand, count the stars and conquer Infinity. The slow process of painting gives me the space and time to dive into the mystical dimension of Cosmos.”
Exhibitions View

2012- 2018 Integrated Master in Fine Arts, School of Visual and Applied Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR
2023 ArtMaze Mag: Anniversary: Double Volume Edition 30-31
2023 ”Eros the Bridge-Builder”, October at Teloglion Fine Arts Foundation, AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece
2022 You are the eyes through which Creation knows it self, European Cultural Center of Delphi, GR
2019 ART AND YOGA, Relations of Light and Color , Gnothis s’auton, Thessaloniki, GR
2017 58+26, Yeni Mosque, Thessaloniki, GR
Ode to the sea, Casa Bianca, curated by G. Tsakiris and M. Giannadakis, Thessaloniki, GR
2016 International Istanbul Art Fair, Istanbul, TR
Parasites, Noisy Interferences, Workshop/ Installation – Kalos&Klio Showroom, Thessaloniki, GR
Ode to the sea, Branch of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation, Odyssos, UA
2015 SPACE/ PLACE/ TIME/ MEMORY Municipal Gallery of Thessaloniki (Villa Bianca), Thessaloniki, GR
Ode to the Sea, Archeological Museum of Piraeus, curated by G. Tsakiris and M. Giannadakis,Athens, GR
2016 Platformance with Vest & Page, Labattoir, Thessaloniki, GR
The ghost, the tragic mirror of the image with Nikos Evagelopoulos, Thessaloniki, GR